Companionship care is a unique home care service that focuses on providing the elderly with emotional support and companionship — along with helping them in day-to-day activities. Aging adults are prone to social isolation and loneliness due to children moving away, or the demise of spouse and friends, or even physical disabilities. All these resulting in restricting their interaction and social life.

At DavidStar, one of our specialty services includes companionship care services for seniors in Broward County, FL. We offer home companions for the elderly as part of this unique service. Our highly experienced, caring, and friendly professionals provide elder care services, offering in-home companionship and emotional support for seniors.
We believe life is better and enriched when people feel connected and have a meaningful relationship. That’s why we provide companionship care to help seniors cope up with loneliness and isolation. Our warm and friendly caregivers at DavidStar Home Care have a knack for understanding people and their needs — helping them to live active, healthy, independent, and social life along with meeting their essential needs. And it’s not just the seniors that get the benefit, but it also helps the sandwich generation to balance their work, personal life, and responsibilities.

Here’s what our companionship care includes:

  • Helping the elderly maintain social life and communication
    through regular interaction
  • Friendly and supportive conversation and activities to enrich their lives
  • Socialization and entertainment
  • Help seniors maintain good health
  • Scheduling and assisting with social activities
  • Running errands such as grocery shopping and other necessities
  • Transportation to appointments and necessary activities
  • Taking them to salons for haircuts, colors, or other cosmetic assistance such as makeup or skincare treatments
  • Light housekeeping such as maintaining the house, meal preparation, cleaning living areas, washing clothing, dishes, etc.

We believe no one deserves to feel lonely or be cast-out just because of their age. Therefore, we go above and beyond to make our elderly patients feel heard, supported, and taken care of. Our companionship care services focus on providing support in the day-to-day activities.

Seniors are more prone to social isolation and loneliness, and we aim to change that. That’s why we provide companionship care to help seniors cope with loneliness and isolation. We take care of the needs and preferences of the elderly and help them live active, healthy, independent, and social lives. Our elder care services help not only the seniors but also their families who struggle to cope with their obligations and responsibilities. It can become overwhelming for family members to adjust to taking care of the elderly, which is why we offer a helping hand and keep their loved ones mentally stimulated and healthy.

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